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Guiding Principles

 Strong Customer, Partner, and Employee relationships are paramount to the success of the Harvard Systems Group.  Every employee including our senior executives are directly involved in servicing our customers.  Even our senior executives have deep technical backgrounds and keep their skills up with the constantly changing market.  
 We have a flat organization structure to keep our overheads low.  We keep our bureaucracy low by empowering our employees to make decisions without having to go up organizational hierarchies.   We have found that smaller teams of regional staff provides better service quality then larger offshore teams, so we staff our support teams regionally, and augment with a small offshore presence only to offer coverage after normal working hours.  
 We don’t endeavor to be something to everyone, nor is our intention to be everything to someone.  We have found that our focus on our core competency allows us to have trusted partnerships with our clients, provide them with a high quality of service, and offers them a very competitive price for our services.



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